Essences to Encourage Self-Love
The ability to love others starts with accepting, knowing, and loving ourselves. We may not realize how vital self-acceptance and self-love are on the journey of emotional and spiritual growth, though much of our lives, including our relationships, would flow so much easier if we did. Accepting and appreciating ourselves makes it easier to enjoy our own company and to take actions that prioritize our well-being and highest good. We hope the following essences will help you find that feeling of Love within, leading you to self-acceptance, care, and compassion.
Alpine Azalea - unconditional self-acceptance
Alpine Azalea is crucial when we have low self-esteem and cannot love or accept certain parts of ourselves by helping us achieve unconditional self-acceptance. It opens our hearts to the spirit/vibration of love present in all the kingdoms of nature. As we open our hearts to the penetrating energy of this essence, it catalyzes the release of patterns of self-doubt and helps us create unconditional self-understanding and compassion in our lives.
Harebell - bringing unconditional Love through the heart
Harebell essence teaches us to look within to find the love we seek instead of looking for it outside ourselves. It challenges us to acknowledge and release self-imposed mental and emotional limitations that keep us from giving and receiving an unlimited flow of love. It helps us open our hearts to others when we have had painful experiences in our past love relationships and reverses heart fatigue that results from prolonged separations or difficulties in relationships.
Rose Quartz - strengthening our heart to open to Love
The gift of Rose Quartz gem elixir strengthens and stabilizes our hearts so we can let more love into our lives. This stabilizing and strengthening is especially helpful when the heart has closed down from lack of nurturing as a child or because of traumatic events. As we allow this flow of loving energy to increase, it clears away the defensive energies we use to protect our hearts. The defenses are no longer needed because the strongest protection is an open heart.
Columbine – accepting your unique and personal beauty
Columbine flower essence is for those who have a negative self-image or judge their appearance by superficial, arbitrary, or comparative standards. This inner critic keeps us from seeing and appreciating the most valuable part of ourselves and others—the eternal soul that shines from within. Columbine teaches us that perceived physical imperfections do not limit our unique spiritual qualities. It reminds us to be as nature guides us to be, uniquely ourselves. It helps us strengthen our sense of who we are and encourages us to radiate that truth without concern, so we appreciate our uniqueness, regardless of how it differs from the norm.