February 2019 – The Most Important Relationship in Life
"The relationship you have with yourself defines the relationships that you have with other people. Your relationship with yourself is your relationship with life. No relationship with another person can be truly ‘wholistic’ until our relationship with self is based in Love and respect. And this is rare. How can you truly Love another person if Love is a stranger in your own ‘inner’ relationship with yourself? In other words, how can you express Love outwardly, if Love is not experienced within?" ~ Michael J. Roads
I really like this writing from Michael J. Roads—it makes perfect sense to me. The ability to love starts with accepting, loving and knowing yourself. The feeling of love and appreciation can only be felt when we’re aligned with our inner Source, which is pure Love.
For the month of February, coinciding with the theme of Love, we have selected six flower essences that can help you accept and love yourself, find that feeling of Love within, stay true to yourself, and be intimate with another without losing your sense of self.
Read more in the newsletter - February 2019