October 2015 - Menopause: The Great Awakening
Perimenopause is a transition all women of a certain age experience when the life she has lived begins to culminate and unfold into the richness and wisdom of who she is becoming. It can be a very challenging time as our bodies adjust to the changes in hormones, and our minds take note of all that we have done and still hope to accomplish. Our emotions experience a profound shift as we release the past and our spirits dream of the further fulfillment of our destiny. This period of transition may last for many years before the great awakening and spiritual transformation of menopause is achieved.
The following essences can provide support and encouragement for women during this transformational time, as they release old stories and write a chapter of new beginnings, a chapter that may possibly be the most rewarding and fulfilling of all.
Read more in the newsletter - October 2015