September 2014 - Dream Your World
Are aspects of your life out of balance and even out of control in this complicated world of today? So many of us desire to co-create a world where we live as whole-hearted beings, at one with Mother Earth and in harmony with a larger perspective that embraces the divine energy of all that is. With essences, we can empower and inspire ourselves to create a world in which we would all love to exist, a world that is more in alignment with our inner wisdom and divine nature. This month we are discounting eight essences that can help us in the process of giving birth to a new world. They assist in the release of past difficulties and the resolution of long held issues. They energize the process of deep and beneficial inner change and the activation of our soul purpose. These essences help us connect to our internal guidance and activate inspired partnership between the physical and the unseen realms. They will support us as we dream, and as we embrace and envision this larger perspective, holding space for the potential of new creation.
Read more in the newsletter - September 2014