Brazilian Quartz

Brazilian Quartz

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$ 11.00
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$ 8.50
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Indications: tiredness, fatigue, low energy; weak energetic connection to the Earth; toxic or inharmonious energies in the aura; feeling out of touch with one or more aspects of self (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual), as though they were operating in different time zones; chakra out of alignment with each other.

Healing Qualities: the essence of cleansing white light; energizes and synchronizes the subtle bodies, the chakras, and the physical body with the Earth's natural vibration.

Ingredients: purified water, organic Demeter Certified Biodynamic® brandy (alcohol 20% by volume) and the vibrational infusion of Brazilian Quartz.

Instructions for use: add 2 drops to a small cup of water and take a sip 4 times/daily. Read more here.