Cotton Grass

Cotton Grass - Eriophorum sp.

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$ 11.00
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Indications: shock and trauma resulting from accidents or injuries; fixating on our discomfort rather than on our healing process; unable to completely heal an old injury because of a lack of awareness of what led to its creation.

Healing Qualities: helps us come to a full understanding of the core issues that led to an accident or injury so we can release the physical, emotional and mental trauma associated with it.

Ingredients: purified water, organic Demeter Certified Biodynamic® brandy (alcohol 20% by volume) and the vibrational infusion of Cotton Grass - Eriophorum sp.

Instructions for use: add 2 drops to a small cup of water and take a sip 4 times/daily. Read more here.

Cotton Grass is also part of our Soul Support Emergency Formula and Animal Care Rescue formula